'Dungeons & Dragons' Role Playing Beginner's Session!

Hi all!

By now you've probably seen the episodes of Community or IT Crowd where they play 'Dungeons and Dragons', and maybe you've thought "Hey that looks fun, I'd kinda like to give it a shot." Here's your chance!

I've been Dungeon Mastering two weekly sessions with various groups around the city for months now, and I'd like to open up the players circle to newcomers and first timers interested in seeing what this role playing stuff is all about. I'll be running a beginner's role playing session on Sunday May the 4th from 1 pm to 6 pm at Dueling Grounds, located at Brock and Bloor. While we won't exactly be playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, we will be using a new system called Dungeon Crawl Classics. DCC keeps all the flavour or the original edition of D&D; released in the 70's, but cranked up to 11 with modernized game mechanics.

I run gender inclusive games in a newbie friendly, cooperative, non competitive and non judgemental environment. No previous experience required. I'll be teaching you the basics of the rules system and how to create your own characters, and well have a few hours for you to get to know your new friends by running them through a very scary dungeon. Dice and supplies will be provided for, all you have to bring is yourself and your imagination!

Admission is free.

Spots are limited to 8-10 max, so please let me know if you are attending and I will send you a PM. If you have any friends who might be interested, please them know.



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'Dungeons & Dragons' Role Playing Beginner's Session!

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