Conjuring A Sense of Movement: Japanese Graphic Designers & Sports Posters

Conjuring A Sense of Movement: Japanese Graphic Designers & Sports Posters

A talk event presented by KITAZAWA Eishi, curator of the Sports Posters Exhibition at the Japan Foundation, Toronto

Saturday, July 15, 2:00PM – 3:30PM (ET) at JFT Event Hall

Doors open at 1:30 PM

In-Person Event | Admission Free | Registration Required:

Join us to welcome curator KITAZAWA Eishi from Japan to present a special talk event about Japanese graphic design and sports posters, in conjunction with our ongoing Japanese Sports Posters Exhibition (

KITAZAWA Eishi is the former curator of the Ginza Graphic Gallery (ggg) and of the DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion. He honed his artistic instincts as a curator while mingling with the likes of YOKOO Tadanori, one of Japan’s leading artists, and such renowned art directors as ISHIOKA Eiko. Ginza Graphic Gallery, where Kitazawa has worked for decades, now enjoys a global reputation as the “Mecca of graphic design.” Kitazawa’s mission is to “point to the direction of new design in anticipating the times” and “pass on graphic design—which developed alongside the cultures of paper and printing—to future generations.”

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Conjuring A Sense of Movement: Japanese Graphic Designers & Sports Posters

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