Community Event: Journey Lines Bike Zine Launch Party at the Tranzac Club

Come join us at Tranzac Club - The Living Room for an exciting evening celebrating the release of our latest zine issue. Our first issue will be hot off the press: a compilation of stories from folks in our QTBIPOC communities that bike. This zine is an act of resistance and reclamation: an invitation to care for the spaces we inhabit, and a mapping of our own narratives onto the streets.

​***The first 20 people that register on our officil event page ( will receive a free copy of the zine! Omg, what.***

​Whether you're a zine enthusiast or just looking for a fun evening out, this event is perfect for anyone who appreciates art and storytelling. Don't miss out on the chance to connect with like-minded individuals and support local creators.

→ ​Who Can Come?

​This is open to all!

​Bring the fam, grab a friend, come solo. The people who come will make the space what it is. Whether you're the friend of a contributor or just came across our zine event, we'd love for you to join us and bring the vibes.

​→ What to Expect?

​Drop in any time. It's casual and it's a party!

​Around 7pm we'll have a chat with a few of the zine contributors.

​Connect with us and other community peoples... Find a couch and read bits of the zine... End the evening dancing with our fav hip hop, afrobeats, and other tunes.

​The venue will have snacks and drinks (alcoholic/non-alcoholic) for purchase.

​→ What's the Zine About?

​The homogenized stories of suffering, oppression, and violence that white audiences extract from us is a tired, overused trope. This lil' bike zine emerges from the stories told by racialized cyclists in Toronto, and, as such, is both an act of resistance and reclamation. It is an invitation to care for this place we inhabit, to map and ride our own narratives into its streets. ♡

​As you adventure through this zine (our Journey Lines), we hope to inspire the sort of accountability to one another that is needed to confront systemic violence.

— Rachel, Jess & Sylver

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Community Event: Journey Lines Bike Zine Launch Party at the Tranzac Club

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