City Budget Forum
Social Planning Toronto in partnership with the Lawrence Heights Inter-Organizational Network (LHION) is hosting a free City Budget Forum on Saturday, February 8th from 1:30 – 4pm at the Barbara Frum Library Auditorium.
The City’s Staff Recommended Budgets were released on January 10th, and there is still time for community members to have their say on how the City’s budget should be shaped! Learn how you can advocate around essential services like housing, transit, childcare, and youth/community spaces! Expert panelists will be present to give a budget overview and highlight how services will be impacted.
Please RSVP to Call (416) 828-0133 to register for childcare.
1:30 - 2:00pm Registration
2:00-3:00pm Panel Presentations
Devika Shah, Executive Director, Social Planning Toronto - Budget Overview
Ashna Parbatie, Lawrence Heights Inter-Organizational Network (Youth Action Committee)
Jane Mercer, Toronto Coalition for Better Childcare
Milen Tewelde, TTC Riders (Transit)
Alejandra Ruiz-Vargas, ACORN Toronto (Housing)
3:00-3:30pm - Question and Answer Period
3:30 - 4:00pm - Break Out Groups and Wrap-Up
You can also register for our Letter Writing Workshop - Have Your Say in the Budget on Feb 6, 6:00 – 8:00PM here: