CETERIS PARIBUS All Things Being Equal
Works by Alison Snowball
May 9 to June 28, 2015
With reception Saturday, May 9, 2 to 5 PM
Ceteris paribus translates from the Latin as all things being equal.' As applied in economic or mathematic modelling in multivariable equations, for example the idea calls for changing one variable while holding all else constant,' allowing for the isolation of the effects of the change.
Here, ceteris paribus serves as the guiding principle for a process of working with a palette of predetermined materials and techniques. The results are Derivative and Formulaic two new series. With each work predicated on its precedent, the Derivative series strictly applies the rule, holding content constant while media is varied in an ordered sequence. With more than one variable in flux, the Formulaic series tends to flout the law, rather than stringently follow it.