Canadian Musical Theatre

An intensive introduction to the repertoire of Canadian musical theatre. Primarily a hands-on repertoire based intensive (lots of singing- although you don’t have to be a professional, just an enthusiastic singer)!

The focus will be on moving from solely ‘singing’ the material to acting and physicalizing the music. Physicalization will not be in the sense of choreography but aimed at connecting the music to the breath and then to the whole body, and feeling the connection of emotion and thought to musical structure. Through working on the material and observing others, the participants will gain a familiarity with the wide variety of Canadian musical theatre.

The Intensive will focus on three different types of selections from Canadian Musicals. First, large ensemble pieces (choruses rom larger musicals); second, small ensemble pieces (duets, trios, not larger than quartets), and finally, solo pieces. Each participant will work on the larger pieces, and at least one small ensemble and one solo. In this way participants will have the experience of working in a group (which is very rare outside a production), have a chance to work on the give and take of interacting as characters (through the small ensemble work), and work on a piece on their own (which may be suitable as an audition piece). The particular musical selection will be chosen based on the individual participants.

The Intensive will include physical work on breath, voice and movement, exercises in analysis (from both musical and acting perspectives), and masterclass structured work with individual performers.

Participants will obtain a FASI Certificate of Completion upon completion of this module.

Dates: July 9-11, 2014 10:00AM-4:00PM

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