Canada's Walk of Fame Awards

Sony Centre for the Performing Arts
Saturday, December 1, 2018
2:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Canada’s Walk of Fame will celebrate its 2018 Inductees who represent our Pillars of Excellence: Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir (Sports & Athletics), Andrea Martin (Arts & Entertainment), Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg (Arts & Entertainment), Andy Kim (Arts & Entertainment), Col. Chris Hadfield (Science & Technology), Jimmy Pattison (Business & Entrepreneurship), and posthumously, Leonard Cohen (Legend Inductee). We will also celebrate our 2018 Allan Slaight Honour Recipient, Jessie Reyez.

The event will begin with a red carpet like no other show with many recognized and inspiring people, a show that will feature star-studded musical performances and awe-inspiring guest appearances. The show will be broadcast in December on CTV.


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