Bring Your Own Dog Yoga Class

Doggos and Kardia have teamed up for a unique fitness class where you can bring your pup along. Unwind from your week in this 50 minute flow yoga class while dog's interact with you, your neighbours, and the pups in the room. Stay a few minutes after class to get a complimentary puppuccino (whipped cream) for your pup!

Tickets range from $30-$35 and include the yoga class + a complimentary dog treat.

If you've ever done a workout beside your pup, then you've seen how excited dogs can get: from giving out a ton of kisses, to jumping up in the air to reach you; doggos think workout time is actually play time. We wanted to bring this encouraging energy to a fitness class where you and your pup can enjoy your afternoon together. Along with excitement, dogs are born with an innate ability to live in the moment. This makes them perfect partners for BYOD yoga!

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Bring Your Own Dog Yoga Class

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