BIG on Bloor

Bloordale Village
July 15 – 16, 2023
12:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Curated by Festival Director Darren Leu, anticipate impactful murals, large-scale art installations and window exhibitions in partnership with InterAccess and Vector Festival. Art projects include live painting, clay-making, community murals, collage workshops and fort making contests! Main stage concerts feature Brazilian Drum Parade, Mother Tongues, Blunt Chunks and AfriqueLikeMe DJ Crew.

Curated by Festival Director Darren Leu, anticipate impactful murals, large-scale art installations and window exhibitions in partnership with InterAccess and Vector Festival. Art projects include live painting, clay-making, community murals, collage workshops and fort making contests! Main stage concerts feature Brazilian Drum Parade, Mother Tongues, Blunt Chunks and AfriqueLikeMe DJ Crew.

Projects will explore the concept of "BLOSSOM”, exploring what it means for a community to grow and how its identity can remain genuine while experiencing development. BLOSSOM challenges the notion of stasis, asking whether death is the opposite of growth or if peace can be achieved for stillness. Is change the only constant? As you move through the art projects of Bloordale, we invite you to expand your view on development, and ask what types of growth is beneficial or cancerous.

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