Beers & Fears Halloween Party Plus Beer Release
Join Muddy York Brewing Co. and Brunswick Bierworks at their taproom on 25 Curity Ave where they will be hosting 'Beers & Fears' Halloween Party to launch our collaboration beer, Cerbeerus Wet Hop Pilsner. Food, games and of course beer. You can enjoy brews poured from Brunswick's 20 unique taps of seasonal and limited release collaborations and Muddy York specialties such as Fox Hunter Dry-Hopped Sour and Cervisia Saison W/ Lemon & Basil. Other highlights include candy, games, corn on the cob, pumpkin decorating, an instagram contest and drink tokens to be used between the 2 breweries! Fun starts at 11am and continues all day. Don't fear, retail bottle shop will open as well for you to take beer to go.