Toronto's acclaimed Theatre Gargantua (TG) opens the world premiere of Avaricious, marking the culmination of the company's eleventh cycle of work. Written by Michael Spence with the ensemble and contributions from Kat Sandler, Avaricious is a darkly comic exploration of greed, hope, and humanity in the face of environmental disaster.
Conceived and directed by Gargantua's Artistic Director Jacquie P.A. Thomas, this dynamic, adventurous work previews November 4, opens Thursday November 5 and runs through to November 21 at Theatre Passe Muraille's Mainspace. Tickets are available online at theatregargantua.ca or by calling the Arts Box Office at 416.504.7529.
Avaricious combines music, physicality, and innovative designs for an adrenaline-fuelled fable of a society brought to the tipping point by one man's greed.