ARP Showcase

Winnipeg-based Arbeiter Ring Publishing (ARP) is one of Canada's best independent presses. Maintaining a focus on progressive politics and theory, they have also, in recent years, published some of the country's best new works in poetry and prose. Coinciding with the launch of ARP's Fall 2016 catalogue—featuring new books by Hal Niedzviecki and Kaie Kellough—Pages Unbound is pleased to present this showcase, with readings by Niedzviecki, Kellough, Emma Healey, Angela Hibbs and Andrew F. Sullivan.

PWYC ($10 suggested donation)

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Hal Niedzviecki is a writer, speaker, culture commentator and editor whose work challenges preconceptions and confronts readers with the offenses of everyday life. He is the author of eleven books of fiction and nonfiction and the publisher/founder of Broken Pencil, a magazine of zine culture and the independent arts. Hal's writing has appeared in newspapers, periodicals and journals across the world including The New York Times Magazine, The Guardian, Utne Reader, The Walrus, and Geist. Hal lives and works in Toronto.


Kaie Kellough is a word-sound systemizer. His systems originate in the inchoate swirl of vowels, consonants, misspellings, shapes, stammerings, and emerge as audio recordings, books, visual entities, volumes of letters, and performances that verse and reverse utterance. Kaie's work fuses formal experiment and social engagement. Kaie is the author of two books of poetry, Lettricity (Cumulus Press) and Maple Leaf Rag (ARP Books), and two sound recordings, Vox:Versus (WOW), and Creole Continuum (HOWL!). Kaie lives in Montreal and performs and publishes internationally.


Emma Healey's first book of poems, Begin with the End in Mind, was published by Arbeiter Ring in 2012. You can read her work in places like The LA Review of Books, the Hairpin, the National Post, the Toronto Star, the Walrus, Toronto Life, Little Brother, Matrix, The Puritan, C Magazine, and more. She is also the Globe &amo; Mail's poetry critic, and a regular contributor to the music blog Said the Gramophone.


Angela Hibbs' forthcoming book is CONTROL SUPPRESS DELETE (palimpsest 2017) Her previous books are Sin Eater (ARP 2015), Passport (DC Books, 2006) and Wanton (Insomniac Press, 2009). She was awarded the 2010 Joseph S. Stauffer Prize. She was a provincially ranked gymnast in 1988.


Andrew F. Sullivan is from Oshawa, Ontario. He is the author of the novel WASTE (Dzanc Books, 2016) and the short story collection All We Want is Everything (ARP Books, 2013), a Globe & Mail Best Book. Sullivan now makes his home in Toronto.

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