A Night of Poetry & Music @ Queen Gallery # XVII

CHANGE is good for the soul! We're changing the date to the third Tuesday of each month. That means that the next Poetry Night will be Tue May 20 in our new space at 373 Queen, across the street from the 'old' venue. Our feature in word & music will be MAX LAYTON. Details to follow so keep checking!

Max Layton

Max left home when he was 16 and worked as everything from tobacco picker, logger, and apprentice bedspread cutter, to vice president of a bank. Along the way, he earned a Masters degree in Eng. Lit. Max was legally blind for almost two years during which time he recorded his first CD of original songs. His eyesight miraculously restored, Max now feels he has been given a second chance. His first book of poems, When The Rapture Comes and his second CD were both released this past year. His third CD, Its A Mystery To Me, and his second book of poems, In The Garden Of I Am, are scheduled for 2014.

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A Night of Poetry & Music @ Queen Gallery # XVII

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