Multiple Venues
Thursday, September 26, 2024
8:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Friday, September 27, 2024
9:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Saturday, September 28, 2024
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
8:00 PM – 11:00 PM


#2BowieFest Canada Lifts Off in Toronto Sept 26-28, 2024

OutShout Entertainment presents #2BowieFestCanada, a celebration of the genius that was David Bowie. Inspired by events speckling Dublin each year during Dublin BowieFest, #2BowieFestCanada will draw on the enthusiasm of fans throughout the city. Now in its second year, (the first year was in Peterborough) #2BowieFestCanada will continue in the spirit of Bowie with music, art, fashion, and superfan participation. With events being added all the

time, here it is, so far…



Thursday Sept 26, 8-11pm

Launch Party and Bowie Karaoke

Venue: Ground Control 1279 Queen St W. Toronto.

Bowie Bazaar, Prizes, Celebrities & More

(Pick-up your exclusive festival pass laminate)

Friday Sept 27, 9-11pm

I Will Be King perform

Venue: Linsmore Tavern 1298 Danforth Ave. Toronto


$12 Advance $15 at the door

Admission included with festival pass

Saturday Sept 28, 2pm

Lady Grinning Soul perform

Venue: The Duke 1225 Queen St E. Toronto

Free admission included with festival pass.

SATURDAY NIGHT Sept. 28 - 8pm

The Bowie Lives: A Bowie Spectacular-Canada’s Sensational Tribute to David Bowie

with special guests

Venue: Ground Control 1279 Queen St W. Toronto

Admission included with festival pass

$35 Advance $50 at the door.


*Special Offer!

Drop down to Pop Music at 345 Broadview Ave, all weekend long, for big discounts on Bowie Swag, Vinyl and Collectables.

Festival pass $50+ (all events)


Launch Party/Bowie Karaoke/Bowie Bazaar

Grab some swag from the Bazaar then chat up the organizers, sponsors, the Bowie fans, and celebrities in attendance. All this, followed by a couple hours of Bowie Karaoke. There will be prizes and surprises.

I Will Be King

With his death, I WILL BE KING has taken very special measures to present the best Bowie tribute possible, recognizing that there are few or no female-centric bands that would dare to undertake this. I WILL BE KING is a dynamic 6-piece band with impressive harmonies, playing everything from Bowie’s hits to the more obscure creations that will satisfy even the most die-hard Bowie fan.

Lady Grinning Soul

A courageous take on the music of David Bowie performed acoustically by the trio of Elana Harte, Janet Whiteway & Suzie Burmester.

The Bowie Lives

5 stars! “Unbelievable” from Richard Crouse of CTV’s PopLife. “By far the coolest Bowie tribute I’ve ever seen,” says promoter Sam Grosso. They’re talking about the “The Bowie Lives” Canada’s most sensational Bowie Spectacular!

Michael Bell is an award-winning vocalist who channels the sound and styles of David Bowie, and with the help of an all-star band, theater and costumes, captures the imagination of fans young and old. www.thebowielives.com

Tickets and information at www.bowiefest.ca

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