2014 Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade

On October 25th join over 10,000 zombies, monsters and otherworldly beings for the 12th Annual Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade!

Last year The Toronto Zombie Walk held its first Halloween Parade and invited all monsters to join the zombie horde! This year boasts a bigger and bloodier parade with more monsters and throngs of flesh hungry zombies!!! Some of the features include a zombie marching band, scary stilt walkers and bike floats! All Halloween themed!

Registration is open now and anyone can join in:



Dont feel like walking with the dead??! pull up a coffin and watch from the sidelines as the parade and walk winds through downtown Toronto.

Join us for pre-parade festivities in Nathan Phillips Square including a Halloween Vendor Market, food, bands and our Hasbro Nerf Zombie Strike Midway.

The Nerf Zombie Strike Midway will bring all of the thrills, chills, and blood spills that folks expect out of a fearsome fun fair, face the challenge of its gore-iffic games! Any enterprising and skillful creature of the night can take a chance to win for their very own, many fear-tastic Nerf Zombie Strike prizes! Face the challenge of the Nightmare Clown! The Toxic Waste Barrel Toss! The Zombie Zapping Gallery!

The 2014 Charity of Choice for the Toronto Zombie Walk is The Canadian Wildlife Federation: Help the Bats

The Canadian Wildlife Federation CWF doesnt currently list zombies as a species at risk. But this years Toronto Zombie Walk is going a little batty to help out a species whose populations may soon be: Canadas bats! October 25th, CWF will be the charity of choice at the 2014 Toronto Zombie Walk as thousands of zombies join the annual march of the macabre through the downtown core.

In conjunction with the CWF Help the Bats initiative, participating zombies and curious spectators will be encouraged to lend their financial support to the respected conservation organization in its efforts to save Canadian bats from white nose syndrome WNS, a disease that is decimating their populations. Some species, like the Little Brown Bat, can decline by 90 to 100 per cent when infected by WNS.

Look for the CWF tent on site at this years TZW to drop off donations, win prizes and learn more about bats!

Post Walk and Parade:

Lurch back to Nathan Phillips Square after the walk and parade for more games, costume contests, prizes and a special performance by the one and only The Creepshow

Yes, you spoke and we listened!!! Last year we asked you what would make the walk even better and you all unanimously well 75 of you said THE CREEPSHOW SHOW AFTER THE WALK! SO WE DID IT! WE BOOKED THE CREEPSHOW!!


START: Nathan Phillips Square West on Armoury St., North on University Ave, East on College St, South on Yonge st, West on Queen st. END: Nathan Phillips Square

Post Walk Events:

The official TZW after party will be at the Hard Rock Caf 279 Yonge stand feature Bane Metalik France, Black Cat Attack Oshawa and DJ Eric Von Eric. Doors open at 9pm.

After Party page coming soon!!!

Key times include:

11:00am make up vendors and select vendors

12:00pm: Nathan Phillips Square: Zombie market is open and festivities start.

2:00pm: Laue or Die

2:30pm: Presentations costume contests.

3:00 pm: 2014 Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade commences.

5:00 pm: Walk Ends Nathan Phillips Square.

5:30 pm: Post Walk costume contest!

6:00 pm: Performance by The Creepshow

8:00pm: Zombie market closed.

9:00pm: TZW After Party

Thank you to our sponsors Nerf Zombie Strike CWF Help the Bats, Ontario- Yours to discover, Harlequin Teen, Fee Fi Fo Fun, Fangoria, Now, Indie 88, Creeped Out Canada

Special thanks to The City of Toronto

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2014 Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade

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