401 tunnel

People in Toronto are suggesting new ways to use Doug Ford's wild tunnel idea

Even if you've been keeping close track of the numerous shocking, seemingly nonsensical decisions made by Doug Ford during his tenure, the premier's proposal this week to forge a tunnel under Highway 401 in an effort to alleviate congestion around the GTA may be one of the most unbelievable things to have ever come out the leader's mouth.

In the wake of the suggestion, revealed Wednesday, many have been wondering how Ford could be serious given the immense scope of such a project, which some estimate could cost as much as $55 billion and would be highly impractical, if not outright unbuildable.

As experts chatter and theorize, residents have been having their own fun by joking about the idea and putting their own spin on it.

To Ford's credit, some seem to be fans of the wild plan, calling it "thinking big" and a bold step to solve traffic headaches and provide a "more convenient commute" for the growing province.

However, others have posited that "creating two new CN Towers and suspending a highway between them" could be more realistic than the tunnel, and call the stunt just another "distraction from important issues affecting all Ontarians that Doug Ford is failing to address."

Still others have taken the "tunnel" concept in different, more plausible directions. 

Idea: Tunnels for Bike Lanes
byu/dutchiedonut intoronto

One person on Reddit offered up a rendering of tunnels for bike lanes, writing that "we should put together two of Doug Ford's most passionate ideas and create tunnels for bicycles that could go under the city" — of course referencing the premier's recent push to bar new bike lanes from major streets where they would require the removal of mixed-traffic lanes and thus potentially create more congestion.

"It would keep cyclists safe, free up space for cars, and the underground network could include connections to the PATH system and rest stops for hydration, caffeination and libation. Who's with me?" the individual continued in the post, which has accrued nearly 2,000 upvotes and more than 400 comments in less than a day's time.

Idea: Tunnels for Trains
byu/treelife365 intoronto

Another local took to the social media platform to put forward another tunnel option: tunnels for trains, writing, "Hear me out. We should create a tunnel for trains that would run under the 401. It would be like regular trains, but underground. This 'underground train' would be attractive enough that many people would choose not to drive, freeing up space on the 401."

That scheme, too, has racked up hundreds of comments and likes.

While both examples may be better liked than the "highway under a highway" proposition, they would, of course, necessitate the same bonkers engineering and funding as exorbitant as Ford's current ambition.

All quips aside, many have rightfully questioned why the Province doesn't just reclaim Highway 407 and remove the tolls so the artery can absorb more of the region's grating traffic  — a popular and sensible alternative, among a few others, like implementing congestion charges to curb gridlock.

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