power outage toronto

Hundreds in Toronto building have been without proper electricity for nearly two weeks

The tenants of a Toronto highrise have been without power and basic amenities for so long that their local political representative has had to step in.

Toronto Centre MPP Krysten Wong-Tam has just made a formal request to the management of Wellesley Parliament Square on behalf of the 800 people who live at 77 Howard Street, which lost electricity nearly two weeks ago due to "inadequate maintenance and a burst pipe."

With residents in the dark and unable to do basic day-to-day tasks like cook, bathe, wash clothes and more, Wong-Tam is asking for rent abatements to "reflect the physical suffering and emotional anguish" caused by the disruption, the reimbursement of all expenditures tenants have had to make as a result of the incident, a freeze on rental increases, and more.

"I spent the last week speaking to residents, many of whom report receiving confusing information during such a volatile time," she wrote on Friday, sharing stories of fixed-income families unable to afford meals after having to dispose of hundreds of dollars of groceries, and elderly residents unable to properly keep medications that require refrigeration.

"While I am pleased to hear that auxiliary power form external generators has enabled some semblance of everyday life to the tenants, many continue to worry about the building's long-term safety, maintenance and operations," she continues.

"I recognize that WPSQ is working hard to fix the electrical system at 77 Howard... however, property managers' and owners' responsibilites remain unchanged — more can be done to support the tenants."

It appears that multiple apartment buildings in the area of St. James Town, including at nearby 280 Wellesley, were also experiencing hydro issues that have since been remedied.

Property managers of one of the impacted towers had to formally request that tenants stop "throwing human waste from upper-level balconies" and harassing workers that were on-site trying to remedy the problem.

Lead photo by

Wellesley Parliament Square

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