ikea theft burlington

GTA police looking for IKEA shoppers who paid $1.76 for $600 of stuff at self-checkout

Today in crimes that probably happen a lot more often than most of us realize, a quartet of shoppers at a local IKEA walked out with some $600 worth of merchandise after scanning and paying for only a single item worth less than two dollars at the self-checkout.

Halton Regional Police report that four suspects in the case visited an IKEA store at 1065 Plains Road East, Burlington, Ontario, on May 16.

"The suspects loaded their cart with 2 rugs and a set of duvet covers and concealed unknown smaller items within these," wrote police in a report.

"The suspects paid for $1.76 of the approximately $600.00 of known stolen items, and left the store making no attempt to pay."

After giving themselves a generous five-finger discount, the suspects are said to have fled the scene together in a grey Toyota Venza with the license plate BYBW601.

ikea theft burlingtonSuspects are described as follows:

  • Suspect 1: female, early '30s, heavy build, dark brown or black hair, wearing a black Adidas shirt with white writing, white track pants and white crocs.
  • Suspect 2: male, early to mid-'20s, medium build, black hair, minimal mustache/beard, wearing a grey, black and white Nike jacket, black pants and white shoes.
  • Suspect 3: male, early to mid-'20s, minimal facial hair, dark brown hair, wearing a blue Nike shirt, black pants and white shoes. Suspect was also wearing necklaces and has a tattoo on his right forearm.
  • Suspect 4: Male, heavy build, wearing grey pants, black shirt and white shoes. Suspect was also wearing gold necklaces and has tattoos on both forearms.

It's not clear how members of the group are related to one another, but I've had a lot of fun speculating in my head (two couples playing Bonnie & Clyde? A group of IKEA rug enthusiasts? A blended family of Nike and Adidas stans low on renovation funds?)

Anyone with information is asked to contact the HRPS or Crime Stoppers anonymously.

Lead photo by

Halton Regional Police Service

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