doug ford sign toronto

Someone is photoshopping this Doug Ford sign with other people's faces and it's hilarious

Not all heroes wear capes: sometimes they sing in acapella and perform at the Super Bowl under the stage name The Weeknd

If you've passed by the corner of Birchmount and Lawrence lately, you've likely spotted the obnoxiously large sign stanning Premier Doug Ford that says, "God bless you for your strong leadership, Mr. Ford. It has encouraged our family to reinvest in Ontario." 

The other side: "Right now Canada needs a hero & in my book you are it."

doug ford sign torontoWe're going to need to see some receipts, sign, because I'm not clear on what reinvestments or which hero you're referring to. 

The thing's been up for months, and evidently some people are tired of seeing DoFo's face everytime they drive by it as a popular Toronto Instagram account has stepped up to do the duty of replacing the premier's face with some more deserving figures. 

doug ford sign torontoScarborough Spots, a community IG account highlighting the history, businesses, and cultural hotspots of Scarborough, has been photoshopping the massive sign with a series of local icons. 

The person behind the account, who goes by J, says he wanted to have some fun with the sign after asking his followers to grade Doug Ford (he got mostly F's). 

mike myers toronto

Toronto Instagram account Scarborough Spots is releasing Photoshopped versions of the Doug Ford sign at Birchmount and Lawrence. Photo via Scarborough Spots.

"I photoshopped some Scarborough legends and Scarborough loved it," says J to blogTO. 

"At this point I think Scarborough would have more trust in a beef patty making decisions out here than the current MPP." 

The first candidate: Punch Sockalingam, Scarborough's legendary realtor whose face every resident (or anyone who's ever trailed behind an 86 bus) will recognize. 

His phone number, 416-PUNCH-ME, will go down as the best registered 416 number of all time. 

The latest contender needs no introduction.

Aside from the fact the Abel Tesfaye was born in Scarborough and has ascended over the last decade into one of the world's most famous singers, the Weeknd also recently donated $500,000 to the Scarborough Health Network to help with COVID-19 relief efforts.

ford sign toronto

Toronto beef patties are the real hero. Photo via Scarborough Spots. 

Yet to be released but shared to blogTO are some equally deserving icons such as Mike Myers, a true Scarborough OG, and of course, the real MVP: a Toronto beef patty.

Lead photo by

Scarborough Spots

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