Ryerson's Victoria Lane to get a bike-friendly makeover
For all the development in Toronto, there are still plenty of under-thought spaces with untapped potential. Case in point: Victoria Lane. Running parallel to Yonge between Dundas and Gould, the nondescript alleyway is a drab space that's only noteworthy attribute is that it's home to Ryerson's bike storage area. Acknowledging the missed opportunity to turn this space into something more pedestrian and, fittingly, bike-friendly, the AIAS REvitalization Group has launched a design competition to rethink the lane.
It's a modest competition -- only $30,000 is earmarked for materials -- but one that could have a positive impact on a downtown campus that faces challenges in establishing a unified identity. Eight designs have been submitted to the competition, most of which play up the presence of the bike storage facilities. While some are clearly stronger than others, each take on Victoria Lane would represent a vast improvement over the current space. Voting on the designs is open until February 5th.
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