Can we judge a person by their subway station?
Can we say things like "I'm a little grunge and a little funk, I work at the Eaton's Centre and I'm so Dundas" "Oh yeah? I'm at UofT, spend all of my time at studying at Robart's or drinking at Gabby's, I'm a Spadina guy and man am I scared of those freaky Coxwells." And sure, I know, some people have more than one station, or several stations they frequent, but I mean in general.
For example, every year I participate in the TTC's December 6th fund requesting donations from riders to put towards the charity, and every year I have a completely different experience. Rosedaler's were snobby, Queeners were kind, Kennedys were downright mean (and c.h.e.a.p.), and an acquaintance at Eglinton was crying within five minutes. Is this coincidental, or did we get a good random sample of the types of people who frequent each station?
I can't ever state these generalizations as facts, but I'm absolutely going to stereotype next year when making my selection.
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