360 photos toronto

Someone is taking the coolest 360-degree photos of Toronto

Julie Millan has been providing an entirely new perspective on Toronto, taking 360-degree photos of some of our most popular landmarks and spots around the city.

The longtime Beaches resident and grade 4 teacher has posted over 100 of the panoramic images to Instagram since she started 360 photography about three years ago.

"I've always enjoyed photography and I've always taken photographs. But this new style was an exciting way to challenge the traditional photography that I've done so far," Millan told blogTO.

The creative outlet has helped her rediscover the city she has called home her entire life, especially in the context of this year's cancelled travel plans.

"This year in particular when we're all wondering what's going on in this world, it's important to realize there's beauty all around us," Millan says. "We're very lucky to be where we are and to have places to visit and see."

Most recently, she's taken 360-photos of Nathan Phillips Square, Distillery District, Graffiti Alley, the Beaches boardwalk, R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant, Rosetta McClain Gardens and Don Valley Brick Works.

Although the cool-looking photos can also be taken with a regular DSLR, Millan uses a special 360 camera that connects to her phone and edits the images with a 360 app.

Millan also jumped on the opportunity to shoot panoramic shots of some of the the city's architecture during Doors Open Toronto in 2019.

"When you're able to take a photograph that includes the ceiling, the floor and all that's around you, you're just seeing that building in a different way," she says.

Although there have been a few inquiries for prints of her photos, Millan has yet to turn the personal hobby into a business. She's just focused on taking a minute whenever she can to appreciate everything that's around her.

Lead photo by

Julie Millan

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