Nuit Blanche Toronto Live 2011 Toronto

Nuit Blanche 2011 Toronto live blog

Nuit Blanche 2011 in Toronto is here! Welcome to our live blog. Although we're going to be out and about all over the city tonight, in addition to offering live updates on our Twitter feed, Facebook page, and via Instagram, we'll also use this post to share photos, line-up information, first impressions of exhibits/installations, and anything else that we deem relevant. Given all that there is to do, we'll likely update this page every half and hour or so. Enjoy! Lead photo by Steve Hoang



Okay, that's it for us tonight. There's still lots to absorb, assess, celebrate and whine about, but based on first impressions, these were some of the best ones tonight (in no particular order).

  • Through the Gorilla Glass (interactive and subtle — great)
  • Heart Machine (a warm spectacle)
  • Tie-Break (once the crowds thinned out and you could see, this was great)
  • City Sleepover (basically ditto)
  • Ride the Rocket (slightly low budget feel did not dampen the ride)
  • A Brief History of Rebellion (surprise performers, and tons of fans)
  • Limelight: Saturday Night (understated and brilliant)
  • The Free Shop (heart-wrenching story, great audience response)
  • Soon (A cross between the cinematic and the chaotic)

More to come tomorrow. Thanks for bearing with us when the live blog went silent for periods (we were too busy on Twitter and Instagam!). Hope you enjoyed your night, and that you'll tell us all about it tomorrow on Twitter and in the comments.



My last exhibit of the night was an unexpected favourite. Despite brutal (but expected lines) early on, the City Sleepover at Lower Bay was quite profound when it thinned out a bit. The quite subway station (save for the rumbling trains above) housed a surprising number of people in the darkened trains who were actually sleeping! Sure, some were just relaxing, dosing off, but some were full out sleeping. Listening to conversations in the dark was both eerie and awesome. Photo Tom Ryaboi.


Here's some stuff from the west end of Zone C, including A Brief History of Rebellion, which was great.


A Brief History of Rebellion


Leit Motif in Parkdale


We Are Water (not quite what we were expecting)


The sleazy circus at Sweaty Betty's


Outside The Drake


Cube Van installation/performance Parkdale


Here are some of the exhibits that you absolutely should not miss.

  • Heart Machine (It's warm!) — Bay and Edward
  • Ride the Rocket (It's the TTC, but better) — Dundas & Bay
  • A Brief History of Rebellion (lots of good bands have showed up) — Toronto Underground Cinema
  • Soon (nothing happens, but it's all rather moody and apocalyptic) — Commerce Court
  • The Tie-Break (If you can actually manage to get a good sightline, this is great farce) — King & Bay


And despite another long absence, we haven't quit yet. Here are selected highlights from Zone C (so far).










City Mouse


The Way Up is the Way Down


Free Shop

Photos by Jesse Milns



Limelight: Saturday is getting some rave reviews! Located at Grosvenor just west of Yonge. Photos by Tom Ryaboi.


Sorry for the delay! But to make it up, here are some highlights from Zone B.




Through the Gorilla Glass


Face Music


Heart Machine


Ride the Rocket


The Other Painting Competition


Paparazzi Bots


Paparazzi Bots


Site 3 CoLaboratory

All photos by Dennis Marciniak


Radiophonic Territory

Tom Ryaboi sends us this photo of Radiophonic Territory (Nocturne) with the following commentary: "This one is actually pretty cool." Coming from Tom, that means you should go see it now!



"Soon" at Commerce Court is just the type of spectacle that Nuit Blanche is good for/at. Tons of noise, effects, and not much deep meaning — in other words sort of a perfect representation of the night! Check it out. Sort of recommended!


CFC Media Lab

Ha! A fast update for once! The CFC Media Lab at the Bata Shoe Museum has brought out a crowd.

9:30 pm


So it looks like we're going to be updating about once an hour, though hopefully that'll speed up a little later on. The line-ups have started to grow, and the complaints have started, but it's pretty mild so far. This is the scene in and around Yonge and King (and just north). We'll try to be back soon (more updates on Twitter)!.



This is the scene outside the Bay Adelaide Centre, where Intensity and FLUXe are going down. There's also some cool light patterns on the the Scotia Tower. The line-ups for the exhibits aren't that bad — yet!



Flightpath has just opened, but the big crowds have yet to show. Get here while the getting's good!


Nuit Blanche 2011 Toronto

Some tools of the trade tonight. Thanks to the GridTO for the flask (swag from their launch party); first time it's come in handy.


This is Curtis Grahauer's "I just know that something good is going to happen." Don't enter if you've heavily medicated yourself with recreational drugs. Or do. That might be the whole point.


FYI: The official hashtag for Nuit Blanche 2011 is #snbTO.


Ride the Rocket Nuit Blanche

Here's another sneak peek at what's going to be a popular exhibit — Ride the Rocket, also courtesy of @sbnuitblancheTO. Looks like it could be a good one!


Flightpath Nuit Blanche

Here's an early look at Flightpath, this year's marquee exhibit at Nathan Phillips Square. We'll be heading out to check this out shortly, and share some shots of it in full use. Phot courtesy of @sbnuitblancheTO.


Toronto Weather

The weather doesn't look ideal. So the best bet is to bundle up and bring something with some water resistance if it rains.


Well, there's just over an hour to go. Here's some key info for last minute planning!

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