
Enter the Fringe 2006

Did you write a play? Could you? Is it your time to shine?

Well, get on it, because the Fringe Festival is now accepting applications for this year. If you know some people who know some people who have a space you can use gratis, then skip the lotto and fill out a Bring Your Own Venue application. There's no jury, so don't worry, you've got time to fix it up if it sucks needs work.

If you win a place at the fest, you will get:
- 7 performances in a fully equipped venue with 90-200 seats (up to 8 shows for KidsVenue companies)
- a techie (for lights, sound, and any other effects you might need)
- complete box office and house management services
- festival associated publicity (though you may want to railroad your friends into handing out flyers, too)
- communiques and seminars (I'm not really sure what that means, other than a chance to hang out with other guerilla DIY theatre peeps)
- and 100% of their box office revenues

The application fee this year is $660 (including GST) for indoor and BYOV companies and $588.50 (including GST) for KidsVenue Companies.

The deadline to submit is January 31, 2006.

BYOV applications will be accepted starting Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 10 AM and the deadline for receipt of applications is Friday April 7, 2006 or when all available spots are assigned.

Applications, which you can download from, can be mailed or dropped off at the Fringe office - 344 Bloor Street West, Suite 507 Toronto, ON CANADA M5S 3A7

For more info, call (416) 966-1062 or email

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