WEIRD TALES: A Selection of New Animated Horror Shorts

TAIS Studio - 1411 Dufferin St, Unit B
Thursday, October 30, 2014
8:00 PM

The Toronto Animated Image Society presents


A selection of new animated horror shorts

Various Directors 2012-2014 Approx 60mins.

Thursday Oct 30 8:00pm

TAIS Studio 1411 Dufferin St, Unit B

$5 suggested donation / free for TAIS members

Join the Official Facebook Page of the Toronto Animated Image Society HERE

Join us after the TAIS Annual General Meeting for a truly psychedelic topography of animated experiments, all tinged with horror for the Halloween season. From folktales to weird science, from slow motion dreamscapes to non-stop 2D assaults, this eclectic and genre-bending selection of independent shorts was curated by TAIS Kier-La Janisse, featuring some of the standout shorts from her animation program at this years Fantastic Fest.

The screening will be accompanied by seasonal snacks and refreshments.

Films include:


Charles Huettner USA 2014 2.5mins

Pennsylvania-based artist Charles Huettners THE JUMP is a beautiful glimpse at a spirit world where two teenagers dabble in visionary experimentation with suddenly tragic results. With a sophisticated Akira-esque score, we watch as these teens innocent curiosity leads to a dark tragedy, all the while a red ghost stares empty and indifferent. Beautiful Decay


Stephen Irwin UK 2014 12mins

One of the wildest, most richly perverse animators of recent years, UK-based filmmaker Stephen Irwin MOXIE; THE BLACK DOGS PROGRESS returns with this controversial tale of a chain-smoking toddler whose stuffed rabbit helps her get her dead parents dismembered limbs into heaven.


Juan Carlos Zaldivar Spain 2012 6mins

SHIFT is constructed of over 10,000 photographs taken over a year and a half, following the life of a character who is born from a tree and whose face is stolen by a wild dog. After wandering the landscape reflecting its environment, looking for home, our characters vision returns in an unsuspecting turn of events.


Davide DiSaro Canada 2014 9mins

Video and sound artist Davide Di Saros incredibly ambitious animated music video for Toronto band Ronley Teper and the Lipliners has a roster of weirdo characters and infernal landscapes to rival a 1930s Fleischer Brothers cartoon.


Amy Lee Ketchum USA 2013 9mins

Amy Lee Ketchums stop-motion short is about the transformation of individuals from naive happiness into melancholic joy. It follows a creature on an Orpheus-type journey to find a disappeared companion. Its finale is a mournful dance in homage to the lost beloved.


Mores Zhan Taiwan 5mins

RITUAL OF CATHODE RAY TUBE began its life as a multi-screen gallery installation, in which a series of monochrome drawings interact with each other like a live news feed recording of a black magic happening. Hypnotic and awesome.


Joe Hsieh Taiwan 2014 15mins

Based on the same ancient folktale that inspired Kihachiro Kawamotos DOJOJI TEMPLE 1976, Joe Hsiehs unsettling film realized in a striking black/white/red color scheme tells of a married travelling salesman who stops at a seaside inn for the night, only to have the landlords strange daughter fall in love with him instantly. But when he rejects her, she vows revenge.

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