Twelve Angry Jurors

This riveting courtroom drama has been a celebrated TV drama, a classic movie, and most recently a hit Broadway revival. It tells the story of a 19-year-old boy on trial for the fatal stabbing of his father, whom 12 jurors must either set free, or sentence to the death penalty. While most of the jurors believe that the case is open and shut, and call for a guilty verdict, one man believes in the boy’s innocence. As this one juror opens the others’ eyes to the facts, each juror begins to reveal his or her own character and prejudices. Testimonies are re-examined, the murder is re-enacted, and tempers flare as the jurors begin to take sides, acting out tense and dynamic scenes that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

Trinity College Dramatic Society

“Twelve Angry Jurors” Written by Reginald Rose (Stage Version by Sherman S. Sergel)

Directed by Gillian Scott

Stage Managed by Emily Shaw

Tickets can be purchased at UofT Tix online at, over the phone (416-978-8849) or in person at the Hart House box office.

$15 for General Admission and $10 for Students.

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Twelve Angry Jurors

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