TORONTO's CLASS of 2015 - Group Photo - LATE AUGUST

Who likes brotherhood? Sisterhood? Unity?

Let's be family!

Imagine every Toronto band together at once, having a laugh, and the moment being documented for years to come!

The goal of this event is to get as much of Toronto's music community artists, producers, engineers, promoters, contributors, etc... in one spot at one time to get a group photo.

I would love for this to become an annual occurrence but you can't create tradition without starting somewhere.

So here it goes!

The location and exact date are yet to be determined and will be based on participation.

Please invite any and all friends you have who are involved in the Toronto music scene in any capacity. The more participants the better.

Once the photo is taken we will get every person to tag themselves and their band, studio, company, etc... and show the world just how talented and close-knit the music scene in Toronto really is!!

Please share, invite, spread the word.

This will take place the last week in August but more details of exact location and time will come well before then to allow everyone time to make sure they can be there!

This could be really rad so let's make something of it!

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