Thrill The World Toronto 2014
Thrill the World is an annual international dance event and world record breaking attempt, in which participants simultaneously emulate the zombie dance seen in the music video of Michael Jackson's "Thriller".
Each event raises money for a local or not-for-profit charity of their choice.
suggested donation - PWYC
proceeds will go to Prostate Cancer Canada
This year we will be doing a "Flash Mob" at Nathan Philips square where the zombie walk take place.
4:30PM - registration begin, donations. Zombies arrive in costume. we will meet by the washroom, at the skate rental area. I will be wearing the red "Thriller Jacket" and red pants.
5:00PM - Rehearsal if anyone wants one, reviewing steps from the videos please study at home using the videos and script from the website or
5:50PM - last minute review, check that everything is in order signed in participants, music cued, call in to the hotline, etc
6:00PM - Thrill time....