The Movie Experience

Picture watching a movie while also getting to be on the set and partying with the characters like you are in the movie. Sounds pretty awesome right?

The Movie Experience is a fully immersive event, where you dress in character, play a role, and interact with actors and sets to bring cult classic films to life. Adding to the authenticity of a film set, your evening will be lightly catered... and by lightly, we mean a snack that keeps your blood sugar at a tolerable level to other participants. Alcohol will be also be available for purchase, which will ideally make you even more tolerable! While we can assure you the location is within stumbling distance of a TTC stop, we won't notify you of the exact location until one day before the event. Upon purchasing your ticket, we will email you instructions about how to prepare for your character.

But the biggest secret is you won't know what movie you're starring in until you arrive at the event.

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The Movie Experience

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