The Inquisition: Heresy and Law in the Middle Ages


The word Inquisition is popularly associated with scenes of persecution, torture, and brutal executions that portray the medieval Church in an extremely negative light. These reprehensible and inexcusable events represent one of the darkest chapters in the history of the Church, but the facts have been distorted and exaggerated by anti-Catholic sentiments during the 19th and 20th centuries. We'll take a look at the origins and evolution of these processes of investigation and punishment in the context of law and religious developments in medieval Europe.

The presentation ends around 8.30. The exchange of ideas usually continues until 10, or even later, while we share complimentary snacks and beverages.

Free. There is no cost for this event but donations ($5 suggested) are greatly appreciated.

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The Inquisition: Heresy and Law in the Middle Ages

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