Romancing the Planet - a dating stories fundraiser for CCL on Earth Day

416 DATING STORIES presents "Romancing the Planet" – an evening of Dating Stories storytelling -- an Earth Day fundraiser for Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) Toronto Chapter.

Hear Torontonians like yourself telling their stories of dating joys, surprises and disasters! Real-life dating might make you cry, but on Earth Day it'll make you laugh (hard).This event is for everyone 19+ partnered or single.

Advance tickets: $10 via Eventbrite or $15 at the door.

Show starts at 7:30. Doors open at 6:30 pm. A sold out event of 150 pp is expected so come early to get a (good) seat.

Wheelchair accessible.

Facebook: via "416 Dating" Page -

Twitter: @416dating #RomancingThePlanet

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Romancing the Planet - a dating stories fundraiser for CCL on Earth Day

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