Rebels With A Cause Film Festival - Red Riot

York Woods Library
Monday, October 27, 2014
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM




Monday October 27, 2014 7pm

York Woods Library 1785 Finch Ave W

TRT: 57:11 min. plus panel

Rating: 18A

This year, Red Riot spotlights Inuit films and introduces a glimpse into a culture powered by legends and traditions, propelled by resilience and strong sense of survival.


The Orphan and the Polar Bear Neil Christopher

2014, 8:46

According to Inuit oral history, long ago animals had the power of speech and could even assume human form. In The Orphan and the Polar Bear, a neglected orphan is adopted by a polar bear elder. Under the bears guidance, the orphan learns the skills he will need to survive.

Kajutaijuq: The Spirit That Comes Scott Brachmayer

2014, 15:26

In this short film that is part Inuit legend and part thriller, a hunter attempts to survive in the Arctic wilderness by following teachings passed on to him by his late grandfather. The skills are rooted in ancient knowledge, ritual and taboo and the price of failure is high. Kajutaijuq raises provocative questions about tradition, knowledge, and adaptation in a changing world.

Aviliaq: Entwined Alethea Arnaquq-Baril

2014, 15:00

Set in a 1950s Inuit community, Aviliaq tells the story of two Inuit lesbians struggling to stay together in a new world run by outsiders.

Throat Song Miranda de Pencier

2011, 17:59

In Throat Song, a young Inuit woman seeks to reclaim her voice, lost in a community that has been tragically separated from its past.

CO-PRESENTED BY: imagineNATIVE Film Media Arts Festival

WITH GENEROUS SUPPORT FROM: West-Side Arts Hub, Jane Finch Action Against Poverty JFAAP, Opirg York, Toronto Arts Council

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Rebels With A Cause Film Festival - Red Riot

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