Quebec Shooting: Vigil on Gould St

Asalamu alykum (peace be onto you)

On January 29th ,2017 at around 7:50 P.M a barbaric massacre occurred at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec on Ste-Foy St. Multiple terrorists opened fire on a group of more than 40 people that had gathered for Evening prayer at the mosque. The brutal firing resulted in fatalities, according to recent reports 5 people are reported dead whereas 10 injured so far.

Tomorrow (Jan 30 ,2017) we will be holding a vigl on gould street to mourn and unite ourselves with the innocent muslim lives that were lost on this tragic night. This will start around 6:30 pm with a couple talks and a couple spoken word piece.

In times like these we need to come together and support eachother in our low's and high's, for a hand can not clap on its own but takes two to make an impact. This event is inclusive, sending out a hand to people from different faiths, backgrounds, religions etc.

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Quebec Shooting: Vigil on Gould St

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