Punk Rock Bingo @ D Beatstro

Punk Rock Bingo is making its debut at D D-Beatstro on Thursday April 2nd. That's the night before Good Friday, so there's no excuse not to come out and be bad with us!

There will be drinks, prizes, cards, crayons, and tons of punk rock music. A buck a card to play, and don't forget your lucky trinkets.

Hosted by Cranky Julie. Tunes by Triple-X.

Remember there will be one winner, and lots of losers!

Thursday April 2nd - 8pm to 11pm

D Beatstro - 1292 Bloor St West - Toronto

Presented by TX Productions. Join Punk Rock Bingo - Toronto to keep up to date on all things punk

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Punk Rock Bingo @ D Beatstro

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