NIGHT OF THE LIVING ZINES: Zine-Making Workshop and Pre-TQZF All-Nighter
Get autumn started with some fun and festive crafting... by making your own zine! Whether you're completely new to the scene or a veteran from the golden age of copyscams, we invite you to express yourself on the page with us. There will be comfy chairs, crafting supplies, a photocopier, folding guides, unlimited tea and coffee, great tunes, an Adventure Time chillout room, and plenty of other things to fill your night.
And for those of you who are attending the Toronto Queer Zine Fair the following day - come spend time with other zinesters, and meet some newly hatched ones! Maybe make a zine about it! Maybe finish the zines you're supposed to bring to the fair! We won't tell anyone! Half the fun of an all-nighter is in the people you spend it with, so come spend it with us!
1. What's a zine?
A zine is a self-published item that can cover pretty much any topic and take any form that you want it to - there are personal zines perzines, literary zines litzines, stuff made by fans about what they're fans of fanzines... you get the idea! Often they take the form of photocopied pages, folded and stapled along the crease to provide binding.
2. What does it cost to attend?
It's free! Printing/photocopying is 5 cents per page for black and white, 20 cents per page for colour. Additionally, we will be accepting donations to cover the costs of this and future events.
3. Is it accessible? Is it a sober/safe space?
CSI Spadina is a fully accessible space, with elevators from the ground floor and an accessible, gender-neutral washroom. We have use of the entire 4th floor, and for this event we have a strict policy of no alcohol or drug use; anyone violating this policy or infringing on someone's boundaries will be asked to leave. We understand that many people self-medicate to manage the anxiety of social events, and might do so prior to attending, but we cannot allow this at the event and would ask that anyone who uses this coping mechanism to please respect the decision of those who do not.
4. Sounds great - how do I attend?
We ask that anyone interested in attending please send us an email address below or RSVP to the event, so that we can get an idea of how many people to expect. As the building in which CSI is located locks after 6pm, there will be a Wheelhouse volunteer at the ground floor letting people in and into the elevator. If you do not get a chance to let us know in advance, not a problem - there will be info posted at the door for who to contact in order to get let in.
Contact us at: