LONG WINTER Year Three / Volume Three

In January it's so nice

While slipping on the sliding ice

To get all this shit for any price

All this once, all this twice

More Long Winter is our advice

Advance tickets are $11 or it's Pay What You Can at the door. Buy tickets here: https://guestlistapp.com/events/304122

Long Winter is always All Ages, but we regret that the Great Hall is not a wheelchair accessible venue.


....... MUSIC ..........


Miracle Fortress


Bile Sister

Dilly Dally

Alden Penner



Nick Storring

Death Kneel - http://deathkneel.bandcamp.com/

DJ Cell Memory

Music in the CONVERSATION ROOM curated by Pleasence Records



Das Rad - http://dasrad.bandcamp.com/

Tenderness - http://tendernessmusic.com/


....... ART, etc. ..........


Jason Doell - "Phase"

Laura Dawe

Adrienne Crossmann

William Andrew Finlay Stewart

Jon McGugan

Chris Foster

Dan Thornhill - "Speakerboxxxxxx"

Analogue Preservation Network

Max Kelly


....... PARTIES ..........


Heretical Objects Cooperative- Apocalyptic Beach Rave

House Party with DJ Karl Skene and Ferenc Stenton

Henri Faberg - Bath Salts Dance Party


....... LONG NIGHT with VISH KHANNA ..........


With guests Aisha Alfa, Jesse Brown of CANADALAND and Freddie Rivas


....... LONG WINTER ARCADE ..........


Curated by DrinkBox Studios

Spirographics by JamminGames

Severed by DrinkBox Studios feat. music by YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN and Pantayo

Glitchy Psychedlia by netgrind


....... VINYL ..............


Free to the first 250 people through the doors.

LW-003 feat. Nick Storring and Bile Sister. And we'll also have copies of LW-002 feat. Army Girls and The Lonely Parade

More, more, more as always

Details on everyone involved will be up soon at www.torontolongwinter.com

Long Winter gets money from the Ontario Arts Council - Conseil des arts de l'Ontario, Toronto Arts Council and discounts from the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto LIFT and Long & McQuade Musical Instruments

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LONG WINTER Year Three / Volume Three

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