Jaguar Chocolate Making Workshop

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Join ChocoSols Founder Michael Sacco for a 4 hour hands-on jaguar chocolate making workshop. Attendees will grind mold and temper jaguar chocolate and learn about the ingredient process.

This jaguar workshop will involve a minimum of 4 hours to actually process the ingredients for the jaguar chocolate such as mamey rosita de cacao vanilla and cacao butter. This workshop will also include tempering jaguar chocolate.

Jaguar cacao ye li patastle pataxtle theobromae bicoloris: these are some of the English Chinanteco Nahuatl and Linnean names for a cacao seed that grows in the ancient forest gardens. Not only are the forest gardens habitat for fauna like the jaguar they provide ways for indigenous communities to create safety belts of communal use around natural areas. This is beyond conservation and is rooted in millennia of ecological and spiritual stewardship. Today ChocoSol is proud to be part of a small cadre of chocolatiers chefs farmers and artisans participating in the regeneration of the jaguar cacao both through seedling planting and intercultural encounter dialogue and exchange as well as through recipe development and intercultural learning.

$50 per person cash please.

A minimum of 5 people are needed. Maximum 15.

Attendees also have the opportunity to purchase jaguar chocolate at a reduced price.

To reserve your spot please email

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Jaguar Chocolate Making Workshop

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