Human Canvas Project Rebirth

The Human Canvas Project, a body painting initiative that celebrate who we are, who we’ve been and what we are becoming, is turning four and celebrating with a grand gala at Glad Day Bookshop on May 16th at 6-10pm.

The Project started in 2012 by artist Matti McLean was created as a way for people to feel good in their skin regardless of age, weight or sexuality. The project was designed as a way to combat negative body image by declaring that everyone is beautiful enough to be celebrated for who they are. This gala is a welcoming party to celebrate the new home for the project and the impact that the project has had so far. It will include live music, dance and theatrical performances, a screening of the film DISTANCE which heavily featured the project and live painting sessions.

After settling in four separate galleries, the Human Canvas Project is setting up base in the worlds oldest LGBT bookshop as a part of their ongoing initiatives for community outreach. Interested patrons will be able to book body painting sessions through the shop for a one hour one-on-one body painting experience for $50 based upon the artists availability. One hour sessions will cost $50 which will also include a photo-shoot.

Glad Day Bookshop is located at 598 Yonge Street.

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Human Canvas Project Rebirth

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