CPFF Days of Summer: Mr. Hulot's Holiday a night of seaside flicks
Christie Pits Film Festival's "Days of Summer" theme takes you to the seaside tonight. Come out for a very rare screening of the Jacques Tati classic "Mr. Hulot's Holiday" Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot to commemorate the French Bastille Day holiday.
Tonight's short films are "Under the Weather" directed by Tali, NFB and "Seasick" directed by Eva Cvijanovic
This evening's guest food vendors are Tallboys - Craft Beer House and Wild Child's Kitchen!
Food service will begin at 7:30pm, the screening at 9:15. Claim your spot early!
PWYC / BYOBlanket
CPFF is very grateful to Title Sponsor Scotiabank and Presenting Sponsor Zipcar.
This screening is co-presented by Consulat gnral de France Toronto.