Corkin Gallery Opening Reception: Andres Marroquin Winkelmann "Colectivo & Paisajes Diversos"
Special Event for CONTACT Photography Festival
Feature Exhibition:
Andres Marroquin Winkelmann:
Colectivo & Paisajes Diversos
Please join us on Tuesday April 29, from 5-7pm to celebrate the opening of Andres Marroquin Winkelmann's exhibition, "Colectivo & Paisajes Diversos."
Latin-American modernity is a hybrid: urban and rural identities are influenced by technological and economic impacts from developed countries, even while the different cultures remain relatively uninformed about each other. From this arise seemingly strange adaptations.
American cars from the 1970s have traditionally been celebrated for their connotations of freedom and are one of the most iconic symbols of Western cultural values. However, in regions of Peru and many other Latin-American countries, these cars have been given a completely different role: they are used as an unofficial means of public transportation, traveling through villages and towns where most buses prefer not to stop. Once the cars are full of fares they travel the long distances between villages, making public the private space of the car interior.
Through his photographs, Marroquín examines this cultural adaptation as a localized interpretation of modernity rather than a failure or misunderstanding of it, focusing on how individuals actively mold objects and adapt their use to suit the particular needs of a social environment.