Comics vs Games 3D VRcade Opening Party
Special advance tickets are $10 public / $8 Bento Miso members and get you a drink ticket and a pie ticket! Otherwise, admission is free!
Join us to kick off the opening of the Comics vs Games 3D Gallery, presented by Attract Mode. Artists confirmed for the gallery include: Lamar Abrams, Mariel Cartwright, Steve Courtney, Ashley Davis, Kyle Fewell, JovoVe, Kris Mukai, John Pham, Asif Siddiky, Kelly Smith, Babs Tarr, Jesse Tise, Ventla, and Mikko Walamies!
And in the VRcade, play new Oculus Rift collaborations between Toronto game developers and comic artists!
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime tournament beats by mymanhenri food by Mnandi Pies drinks by Liberty Village Brewing Company
Special advance tickets are $10 public / $8 Bento Miso members and gets you a drink ticket and a pie ticket! Otherwise, admission is free!