Canzine Toronto 2015

AGO - Art Gallery of Ontario
Saturday, October 17, 2015
1:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Canzine: Festival of Zines and Underground Culture

Saturday October 17, 2015, 1-7pm

Art Gallery of Ontario 317 Dundas St. West

FREE Admission! Comes with the fall issue of Broken Pencil: Magazine of zine culture and the independent arts.

Registration is now closed.

We are proud to announce that Canzine Toronto is being held in an accessible venue this year!



The main event! Hundreds of vendors and thousands of zines, comics and art books for sale!


2-2:50pm Panel: Magick and the Occult in the Independent Arts

Our panel of creators and scholars discuss the role of magic, divination, witchcraft and the occult in their work and practices and in zine culture at large.

Panelists: Lynx Sainte Marie, Clementine Morrigan, Jenna Danchuk, Nico Mara-McKay, Amrit Brar

3pm 4:30pm The 1-2 Punch Book Pitch

Live on our mainstage in front of a crowing crowd, you get two minutes to pitch your book to our panel of judges. They get one minute each to tell you why youll never get published in a million, billion years, or why they want to see your manuscript in their inbox ASAP.

Sign up in advance to participate in the 1-2 Punch Book Pitch at Canzine. To sign up email with your: 1. name 2. email address 3. phone number 4. two or three line description of the project you are going to pitch. Sign up now, we only have room for 8 participants and this will be first come first served.

The winner of the pitch gets bragging rights and a Broken Pencil prize pack worth $200.

Our AMAZING Judges this year:

Heather Kanabe, Andrew Hunter, Teri Vlassopoulos, Hal Niedzviecki

5pm-5:40pm - The Broken Pencil Zine Race

Two teams of Torontos finest cartoonists will face the seemingly indomitable task of making a comic based on an audience suggestion in 30 minutes or less. The comic voted favorite by applause will win a prize pack!

TEAM CHEEZ: Fiona Smyth, Mark Connery, Seth Scrivener

TEAM GLADHAND: Dalton Sharp, Jordan Bursach, Robb Mirsky

6pm-7pm The Radical Reading Series 2015 Edition: More Famous Than Well Ever Be

Los Angeles Ted Rall on Edward Snowden!

Liz Worth on Andy Warhol!

and Lindsay Gibb on Nicolas Cage!


SEMINAR ROOM 3: An all-day Zine-making workshop for tweens and pre-teens. Hosted by Broken Pencils Annie Wong and the AGOs Integrated Studios Program.

SEMINAR ROOM 2: Mixed Media Zines: Brought to you by Seneca Colleges Independent Illustration program 2-4pm

In this hands-on mixed media workshop you will create a colourful zine in just two hours. Seneca illustration prof, Martha Newbigging, invites you to experiment with a diversity of mark-making tools that will push your style in unexpected directions. Get your hands dirty as you explore inking, painting, scratching, stamping, cutting and pasting to make pictures that tell your story. By the end of the workshop, you will have created your very own zine ready to be photocopied and distributed!

SEMINAR ROOM 2: OCAD University's Nano Publishing Class will regale you with their own publications and lead interactive workshops and demonstrations.....don't miss it!

Questions and ideas email

To make sure you get all up to date information about everything Canzine and Broken Pencil, please sign up for the Broken Pencil e-newsletter here:


and all of our sponsors and supporters, including Seneca College, Access Copyright, Canada Council for the Arts, Magazines Canada, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, BookThug!

Don't forget to check out the amazing Toronto Queer Zine Fair, happening on the same day:

[[[ The Canzine Festival of Zines and Underground Culture was first held in Toronto in 1995. Since its inception, Canzine events in Toronto, Vancouver and Halifax have displayed thousands of zines and small press works and hosted hundreds of writers and performers. Canzine is organized by Broken Pencil: The Magazine of Zine Culture and the Independent Arts. ]]]

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Canzine Toronto 2015

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