Bacon Fest 2014: Return of the Brines Pork Belly
It's back and it's bigger, badder and more delicious than ever!
The Leslieville Farmers' Market is excited to be throwing our 3rd annual BaconFest in Jonathan Ashbridges Park!
Join us as we invite some amazing guests to join our already amazing vendors in a Bacon Battle to shake the very foundation of Leslieville, if not Toronto itself. Come watch, taste and cheer as our Bacon Battlers find themselves judged by some of Toronto's top tasters.
Our guests include:
Le Papillion on the Park (
Rashers (
Skin + Bones (
Sweet Sammies (
Eastside Social (
Glas (
County General Riverside (
Voulez Vouz Cafe (
Be Good Gelato
And our very own LFM Vendors! You know 'em well but they're pullin' all the stops on this one:
Mr. Spinners
Ying Ying Soy
City Gourmet
Judges will be announced shortly...
And don't forget that among all this, we're still doing our usual Leslieville Farmers' Market!
This is a free event so c'mon out and show your love for Bacon, the amazing Leslieville Community and of course all the Vendors, Volunteers and loyal Patrons that help us do everything we do.