Inflatable Dinosaur Rampage
Easter time, and with all do respect to the Bunnies and thier eggs, there are no known bigger eggs than the Dinosaurs.
So what a great reason to march our beloved city, cheering for them? Besdides, we already named our basketball team after the dinosaurs, so Easter Rampage is abviously welcomed .
We will meet outside Toronto Reference Library at 1:30pm
Q: Where do I get a custome?
A: Your friends probably have one. (what do you mean they don't have it?!)
In case your friends are not as cool as you are, then Amazon, Aliexpress, Marketplace or a local costume store. There is no specific supplier we work with.
(But hey, if you are a supplier and want to provide us a discount code, please send us a message!)
Q: Does it have to be a T-Rex?
A: No!
It would be good having you in any Dinosaur form (Onsie goes!), but even if you can't make it with a custom, just come and join us.
Q: What about the weather?
A: There is always a chance of a weather. We will keep this channel as our main platform for updates.
In case of weather condtions, we will postpone the event