Cool Concept 9

Cool Concept is a fun and casual talk series about the graphic design-ish personal passion projects of creatives in Toronto. It's where we celebrate the non-client work we do to really stretch our creative minds, and do work we care about. Three speakers will join us to share their work and talk about the process of bringing their ideas to life, as they saw fit.

Doors open at 6pm, talks start at 6:30pm. There will be time for chatting and mingling after.

Slow Night, with Isabelle Santiago & Gabrielle Bohna

"Slow Night runs low-key art events for the perpetual beginner. We invite non-artists, bad artists, and burnt out creatives to come chill and rediscover the balancing power of visual art and creative self-expression. We host art workshops to help people reconnect with their innate creativity and sense of play."

Humble Raja, with Reena Mistry & Bhavesh Mistry

"In 2015 we created Humble Raja to explore and share our South Asian identity through design in the same way you'd indulge in a delicious Indian meal with friends - we wanted to offer a taste of something new and delightful that you'd enjoy in good company."

Paper Windows, with Paul Dotey

Building paper worlds within the windows of a book shop on Queen Street West.

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Cool Concept 9

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