CBG NFT Terminal x MiniNouns - Launch Party
Please note that this event is free and tickets are on a first come first serve basis. So if you want to mint some MiniNouns, talk about NFTs and have a great time, RSVP now here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cbg-nft-terminal-x-mininouns-launch-party-tickets-406441075197
MiniNouns and Cry Baby Gallery would like to invite you to celebrate the launch of MiniNouns, a new NFT project inspired by NounsDAO. The mission of this project is to spread awareness around the Nouns brand and give people the opportunity to get involved with Nouns DAO. More info: https://www.mininouns.wtf/
Attendees will have a chance to mint a MiniNouns IRL!
When? Sept 1st from 7pm to 11pm
Where? CBG NFT Terminal @ Chef's Hall
Music? DJ set by special guests.
The CBG NFT Terminal is a permanent NFT exhibit at Chef's Hall which serves as the meeting point for NFT enthusiasts with monthly events to talk about all things NFT related.
The CBG NFT Terminal showcases the hottest NFT projects and up and coming local artists.
RSVP now and mingle with fellow NFTers.
We look forward to seeing you!