Modernboys Moderngirls

Modernboys Moderngirls: "Now it's Going to Theatres!"

For about three years, Modernboys Moderngirls (MBMG) have been a constant presence on the Toronto circuit and have received nothing but positive reviews for their energetic efforts.

Last year, they (kind of) released their debut LP, I Might As Well Break It, so that they could book summer festivals, like Edgefest '08, and so that they would have something to put on their merch table at shows. This summer they are officially releasing a reincarnated version of the album and I decided that it was high time we had a chat.

The participants: Akira Alimeny (guitars, vocals), Brett Millius (drums, backing vocals) and myself (beer drinker extraordinaire). The venue: The Red Room.

I decided it might be best to clean up any confusion over the difference between this I Might As Well Break It-which is to be released in August-, and the last I Might As Well Break It. I asked Brett to assist me.

Brett: "Last year, it was kind of a rush. We were doing Edgefest, NXNE, and all these things, and we were already working on a record and just decided to throw it together and master it. When we did it, we never released it though. We just wanted a few reviews, but the next thing we knew everyone was saying that we had released it.

Akira: "We were like, um, no we didn't. It wasn't in any stores or anything, it wasn't really out there. Maybe a few local shops, but that was it."

I asked them what they thought qualified as a real release, versus what they initially did with their LP.

Akira: "Well, you're supposed to have an official release party, and a big tour lined up. I guess we were naive in that sense. Bands generally have an EP, or something, and it gets made into an album. That's what I thought we were doing."

There are major differences between the two discs. Six of the ten tracks have been completely remixed. Three songs have been ousted to be replaced by three new ones. And the whole record has been remastered. Same title, same theme, and there are still ten tracks.

Akira: "When we were making the record, we were thinking it's kind of like a movie that you show at Sundance or something, and that after that you get to do the final cut."

Brett: "Now it's going to theatres!"

MBMG has built their reputation off of their rave performances. With a show on Saturday at the Horseshoe Tavern, I asked them what they were doing to warrant such hype.

Brett: "I think we're really energetic and we love what we do, so we play our fucking asses off! After going to all kinds of shows my whole life, especially metal shows, it's like the band gives it to the audience, then the audience gives it back, and we [the band] just give it right the fuck back to them!"

Akira: "Someone said it once, but you show the audience how much fun the show is supposed to be; that's your job. Then the audience catches on and then you have to double that. And those are the shows that I love. If the audience isn't involved, then I'm not interested."

MBMG will be playing alongside The Balconies, Everything All The Time, and Gentlemen Husbands.

After the release in August, MBMG plans on conducting a substantial Canadian tour. Or as Akira told me, "one where we still have clothes on and are faces are still somewhat recognizable." Should be a good one.

Photo by David Waldman

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