

Majesteas might not just be a clever play on "tea" as so many tea shops seem unable to resist the urge to pun. Co-owner Ian Macdonald actually has some kind of in with the Windsors, as evidenced by the display case boasting numerous personal invitations to royal events, and even a note from the Queen herself (well, somebody that spoke on behalf of the Queen but still...). This might explain the apparent lust for tea at Leslieville's newest specialty shop.


I won't lie, this is probably the smallest tea shop I've been in to date. But the cabinets are packed full of custom blends, and other high quality imports from around the globe - and the seating is ridiculously comfortable. It's hard not to get sucked into the calm surroundings, where time almost seems to stand a bit still, even when it's counting down on the timer you get when you order a cup.


Co-owners Ian Macdonald and Robert Gignac have put a lot of care and thought into the blends, that much is apparent after one whiff of the Macdonald's Highland Blend - a smokey campfire / citrus-y blend that any lover of single malt whiskey might enjoy. The Royal Wedding Blend is much more delicate and pretty tea, made from peach and rosebud that smelled sweet and floral. My favourite to sniff was the Sea Breeze, made with lemon mytle and rooibos, it was gentle and refreshing - not to mention rich in antioxidants, or so I'm told.


I sat down with the blend "Tropical Paradise" iced tea, after being lured in with a sample I had to order a whole cup ($2.05). Sweet and made with orange, pineapple and hibiscus, I found it to be instantly refreshing.


For my sweet tooth, Sweets from the Earth vegan treats like gluten free walnut brownie, or double chocolate cookies grace the counter. (from $2.45)


Majesteas isn't just a spot to browse fine loose leaf teas, but also a place to learn everything you always wanted to know (but were afraid to ask) if you sign up for their re occuring tea classes. They are small, intimate gatherings where you will learn about the making and preparation of feature teas, as well as get to sample.


And if all that doesn't float your boat, Majesteas has a fine selection of implements that the owners and employees have all tried out themselves - like the leak proof, BPA free travel mug with a flip up infuser, which I'm told is awesome on pretty much every level. Or the precision temperature control kettle which will hold your water at whatever temperature for 40 minutes.


Pricing for loose leaf teas ranges from $5 for 50g of some herbal varieties, to $20 for 50g of the finest of Japanese green teas found this side of Kyoto. Cups to stay or two go are $2.36 tax in.


Majesteas is open Tuesday to Friday 8-8, Saturday 9-7 and Sunday 10-6.


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