Comment Policy

How do I comment on blogTO?

To place a comment on the site you can use the provided Facebook commenting form beneath the specific post to which you’d like to join the discussion. You will need a Facebook account in order to use this form.

My comment was removed or hidden. Why?

In order to keep conversations respectful and to guard against comment spam and abuse, comments deemed offensive, defamatory or non-constructive may be removed or hidden by a moderator.

Do you moderate all comments?

No. We do random checks of. We also rely on users of the site to alert us if they feel a comment requires our attention. Due to the volume of articles that exist on the site it's impossible for us to keep an eye on every thread.

What can i do if I object to a comment on the site?

Since we don’t moderate all comments, we encourage anyone to contact us if they have an issue with a comment. We are particularly sensitive to those that are defamatory, factually inaccurate or are abusive in anyway. See below for contact details.

What types of comments, if any, do you remove from the site?

We have zero tolerance for any comments that are deemed threatening or offensive in any way (ex. sexist, racist, profane, derogatory, dafamatory etc.) We will also remove comments that are not pertinent to the discussion at hand or serve merely as non-constructive insults to staff or fellow commenters.

Isn't that censorship?

No. We aim to provide and promote a forum for constructive dialogue among readers of the site. But since comment forms may be subject to misuse and abuse we will remove comments when necessary. Our intention is never to censor opinions. Commentary expressed in a civil manner will not be removed from the site.

Who can I contact if I have any questions, complaints or suspect comment abuse?

Please contact us using this form.